Dieruff Football Team Camp
Written by: David Mika on Friday, March 10th, 2023. Follow David Mika on Twitter.
Saturday June 10, 2023
J.B.C. Stadium 2027 Linden St. Allentown Pa. 18103
Stadium opens at 8:30 a.m. Camp begins at 10:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 P.M.
8 Team Camp featuring interactions with 7 different schools
$200 Per School Registration Fee
Each team will get:
TWO 30-minute 7 v 7 Interactions
TWO 30-minute Inside Run Interactions
ONE 2 Hour Team Activity Interaction with 3 Other Schools
8:30-9:45 Arrival/Warm Up/Practice Time (Head Coaches Meeting at 9:30)
9:45 Team Meetings to go over Camp Logistics
10:00-12:30 7 v 7 and Inside Run Interactions
12:30-1:00 Lunch
1:00-3:00 Team Activity Period
General Information– This camp is designed to be a teaching/learning camp while offering competition and interaction with other schools as a way to end Spring Ball and Kick Off Summer Camp. Coaches can coordinate how they want their interaction time to run.
Trainers will be provided
Tents are allowed and each team will have designated areas
2 Concession Stands will be Open
For more information or to register your team contact Dave Lutte Head Coach Dieruff High School at 610-428-2156 or huskycoach@rcn.com
Checks can be made to Husky Football Club or Venmo @HuskyFootball-Lutte
Follow EasternPAFootball.com on Twitter @EPAFootball
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